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The Initial Enquiry

The Property Search Portal funnels requests from a conveyancer, mortgage broker, land agent or the Council website.

The customer is required to complete the search request form with property details and the selected search type, and upload the Property Title.

Fees and Payments

The Property Search Portal Checkout:

  • determines the standard fees to be paid and the specific certificates chosen;

  • facilitates payment via credit card using the Stripe Payment Gateway, alleviating the need for Council to deal with the payments;

  • Provides 100% accountability with a full audit trail of all transactions.

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Council Interface to the Portal

The Property Search Portal allows Council staff to login and see what requests are outstanding or need to be completed. 

The Portal automates the initial setup of the request and removes the need for a control mechanism. It automatically merges and collates the necessary uploaded files, removing the need for printing and scanning.

The customer is notified by email that the completed search is available for download once the collator marks the request as complete. If required, the Portal can be integrated to third party systems to speed up the process.

Stage 2 - Managing the Workflow

In Stage 2, Searchlight Technology will, at the request of Council, assess and provide options to streamline and manage the internal workflows in respect of preparing searches. This would include digitising Council data for inclusion in searches, options for hosting and for the Portal to access and use such data for preparing searches, enabling Council to automate the preparation of searches, leading to further productivity benefits.

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